Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chris Christie did what?

Who does these polls? And how come the true and real people don't ever get a call when they ask for information on these polls. Like are they just calling core backers and followers of Chris Christie--since he's not doing a real good job in the eyes of the public? As I work and campaign around the state, you see a limited amount of people liking what Chris Christie is doing beside the party he holds. With the recent polling data showing that Governor Chris Christie has a 58% likely approval rating, and a 38% dislike – yet, 24% says they wouldn’t want him as president or in any leadership position. So my we are going to educate those on the Chris Christie blunders in our session of: whose Watch ‘In Chris Christie?

Here's a few things about the Governor that people didn't know:

January 2010: Public Fight over Budget

Governor Chris Christie had a public duel with legislators about the budget. Chris Christie stated that the budget was $11 billion in debt, and he used 2008 budget number to prove his point. Yet, when Jon S. Corzine's transistion team used the correct budget numbers, where it showed a $500,000 budget surplus: Chris Christie changed his numbers to $10.5 billion. Chris Christie your numbers just don't add up.

February 2010: Teachers Union fight!

Chris Christie signs and executive order stopping campaign contributions from union based companies, and limiting the contracts for unions and labor companies! Which mounted a massive protest by the low –wage companies and unions in New Jersey?

March 1 2010: Unemployment Insurance fight

Chris Christie passes state law through executive order – taxing companies $1000 for unemployment insurance. Then forces the Federal Government to supplement companies with a $1000 tax credit to offset the tax liability of the state. High taxes by the state – neutral liabilities with a tax credit from the Washington.

April 2010: Capping Tool Kit

Chris Christie reveals his 2.5 Capping Tool Kit on New Jersey, and has municipalities in up roar about the proceedings. In his first town hall meeting in Hoboken New Jersey: The Governor explained his reasons for the tool kit.

May 2010:

Chris Christie proposal of a 25% transit hike—where NJ Transit makes 1.6 billion a month on the transit hike! While he cut services for surrounding municipalities—leaving the students and disabled broken? Students and Disabled protested and won

June 2010:

Chris Christie’s public fight with the unions and forcing teachers to retire early resulted in a defeat, as Chris Christie saw the numbers. Where 7,000 fire fighters, police officers, and teachers faced a pension bubble—while unemployment grew to 6,000 new applicants!

July 2010: Race to the Top

Chris Christie in a public fight with the Teachers Union, cut cost and funding to New Jersey Classrooms—citing it’s the fault of the Teachers Unions. His battle with the unions is political at the expense of the students. Chris Christie throws out the executives of the NJEA—and stated his administration will take care of the applications for Race To The Top.

August 2010: Race To The Top:

After blowing $400 million in funding for Race To The Top: Chris Christie places his administrator Bret Schundler under the bus – then a couple of days later fired him as Education Director. This is after he had a public and private meeting with Bret, about how the application or the deal Bret made with the Unions. After that he throws out the unions, and then took care of the application himself, and failed to provide the right documents.

September 2010: Battle with the State Senate and Assembly

Chris Christie uses executive order to mandate legislative ethics reform: and went into a battle with the Democratic Legislative Assembly. Plus he’s fight with a Health Care bill that requires insurance companies to cover mammograms. Chris Christie has refused to meet with the Democratic Assemblywomen, and State Senator.

October 2010: Chris Christie v Senator Frank Lautenberg

In a battle to bring a relief tunnel to New Jersey to reduce over crowding, and break up the liability of a potential switch jam. Governor Chris Christie ranted and squealed nothing but jargons on the $4 billion in funding from the ARC Tunnel. Which resulted New Jersey in losing: $300 million in federal funding, and $300 million in pay backs for a tunnel that leads to no-where?