Sunday, January 22, 2012

Omar Dyer ripping Governor Christie on energy

On Sunday, January 22, 2012 – in an interview on Meet The Press with David Gregory; New Jersey’s Governor went on an attack mode. He went on attacking President Barack Obama’s stand on Alternative Energy, and Jobs, by going after the Keystone pipeline cancelation plan. And said that his leadership wouldn’t make that vital mistake in canceling a project! Maybe we in New Jersey should refresh Governor Chris Christie’s memory. And in this segmental blog on Who’s Watching Chris Christie—Governor Chris Christie by executive order, placed a similar ban or cancelation on a Texas Eastern Transmission, LP’s and Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC expansion (mind you this is a republican company: they hate Barack Obama) with Spectra Energy’s application for a Natural Gas pipeline expansion that would go through New Jersey. Common Fears: that the jobs would go New Yorkers, instead of New Jerseyans. Or there would be a ring of fire that would make a catastrophic mess in the surrounding areas. Even though, all monitoring boards and agencies compelled that it was safe, and a shovel ready project, that would create 900 direct jobs, and 2,000 indirect jobs, plus federal and private subsidies from engaging businesses—where a potential $2 million direct in cost, and $10 million in indirect gains would have created a spur in New York and New Jersey’s economic unbalance.

What does that have to do with the Keystone issue? Same plan, same principals and same technical solutions as what Chris Christie banned in New Jersey! Chris Christie gave those that wanted this proposal to fail, all the ammunition it need to fail, when he wrote that executive order in New Jersey, to ban and place a study on Spectra Energy. So how is he going to characterize the president’s leadership, when his own order, was used against President Barack Obama, as a deterring factor—on placing a Hold on the Keystone Pipeline. Now let’s be clear, the Keystone Pipeline project isn’t banned, and the application process to regain permits will come up again in December of 2012. These are yearly proposal! These were political moves to confuse the constituents about the truth. And the truth of the matter is John Boehner, used Merrill Lynch as an investment group, and gave them an undisclosed amount of money—to invest in Chevron. Chevron then in turned brought the exchange or sub-contracting rights from the Chamber of Commerce, after an application process with scientist on energy matters in an undisclosed amount of cash. Chevron would be inclining to gain $12 million dollars from this project. And 18% of that was routed on going to John Boehner through an investment with Merrill Lynch finance firm. While the net worth of the project would have been $12 billion dollars in loan guarantees? Where close to $12 million would have been unaccounted for, and ended up in someone’s not mention names campaign coffers “winking (Koch Brothers).

My point on Governor Chris Christie’s actions are you have been nothing but the greatest divider in New Jersey. Your administration took $25,000 in campaign donations that went to NJGOP which is based out of 150 West State Street Suite 230 Trenton New Jersey—on an energy contract that went to JCP&L (Jersey Central Power & Light) – what did they do during Hurricane Irene, was take unemployed workers out of Ohio—placed them in hard hit areas of New Jersey, with unemployed New Jerseyans, same criteria—while have a standoff. Your administration place workers from another state over workers from your own state! If that’s not a simple notion of divide and conquer, or placing New Jersey in a complete embarrassment, where you have visitors being chased around by unemployed members of New Jersey, shows a lack of respect and disrespect to the office you hold. Your job as governor is to get New Jerseyans back to work, not play partisan bulling politics. And back to the original statements, this candidate isn’t afraid to challenge you on who and how you have harmed New Jersey. And let us place this in the Record Books: When it comes to dealing with Spectra Energy: Candidate Omar Dyer for New Jersey hasn’t taken one dime from Spectra Energy. In fact in Jersey City, Omar Dyer had to join a picket line that was for, and a picket line that was against Spectra Energy. And to be honest, because of your order Spectra Energy isn’t allowed to donate, reimburse, or pay: Omar Dyer for his services – (such as helping on the technology provided as an energy apprentice and scientist on the Deep Water Project).

Personally, I think Governor Christie should open up his list of donors, while he was on this trip of stumping for Former Governor Mitt Romney, current presidential candidate. Because New Jerseyans would like to know, why are you as governor—playing politics. Where you have one set of rules, for yourself, and another set of rules for anyone else?