Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Omar Dyer opposes: The 2.5 Budget Cap!

In an online blitz, Candidate for Governor in 2013 has made his pledge.

Governor Chris Christie just passed his 2.5 cap: and his view of less government spending is very radical—on this blog we incorporated some of the responses from around the state of New Jersey first is Omar Dyer: Political Candidate for Governor of 2013, and Assembly in 2011. Omar Dyer was also one of the gubernatorial candidates that lost in 2009—plus lost in his assembly run in 2009. He's the author of the book: The Next Generation of Leaders: Omar Dyer for public office.

Omar Dyer via (facebook)

This is a joke, and the leadership in this state is a walking disaster, I am sorry but I have lost complete faith in the elected leaders in NJ. They just past small parts of this bill, knowing close to 8,000 people filed for unemployment this week, and 7,000 teachers filed for retirement: TODAY. That's 15,000 New Jerseyans—not generating a reasonable source of income to DECREASE Taxes. All this bill will do is become a smoking mirror for a municipal property tax which will include a state property tax. Meaning it's a double dip on property taxes—nothing more or less, and then the pension system will be on a bubble, since those teachers—will have to repackage their mortgages, or move out. Let's hope they more out, and if they do move out, New Jersey will still lose on revenue because they will have to pay for the pension plans. Also, that will expand government more than what Jon S. Corzine has done, because now you have to create departments to monitor and facilitate these taxing decreasing burdens, or municipality burden—where taxes at the municipal level will be expanding causing the general budget to expand more: while giving the Governor a walking pass on not balancing a state CHECK BOOK.

Omar Dyer on the Pension system via (Facebook)

Pension Bubble warning: Despite the raven rants on cuts, over spending in a law-makers made great recession—massive amount of teachers are now filing for retirement. Meaning they will create a bubble on the public pension system. This now bends the scale and cracks the curve on public pensions. Yet, leaders want to force these teachers to another place: Like Florida. So now not only will taxes go up because of the bubble—they are moving out because the Governor is at war with unions—since they spent $40 million on a campaign to beat him. Totaling 6,840 applications: WOW! 7,952 unemployed, 6,840 retiring—Chris Christie hasn't started his budget cuts.
Below are some of the site, and comments from people sounding off on Chris Christie, and his 2.5 budget tool kit.

You can view news and the articles on NJ Politicker where it gives you details of the move by Matt F. State House reporter.

nokidding July 12, 2010 at 1:18PM
This is a phony soft cap bill with no teeth in it!!!

The comment abouve was from the NJ website hosted by The Star Ledger

Here's a letter to the Editor: On Chris Christie's 2.5 budget Tool kit.

Dear Editor:

We would like to introduce you to the Chris Christie opposition—in one of the candidates that lost to Governor Chris Christie in Omar Dyer. History, Omar Dyer ran for governor in 2009, had petition problems with the election board which resulted in a law suit with the election, board—as it was declared fit, and Omar Dyer ran in the General Assembly. He was also on the short list for LT. Governor for both Jon S. Corzine and Chris Christie, after being turned down by both of them, Dyer has been opposing both candidates. He was the first to publicly point out the faults in Governor Chris Christie’s 2.5 Budget cap—in a public meeting in Hoboken where he was advised not to mention or oppose at the apparent time. He has leashed his calling and cry about Chris Christie on his facebook page—which Governor Chris Christie is a friend in his network. Omar Dyer which is hosted by this public advocacy group is now voicing his concerns—and we would like this media company to make his voice public record.

You can learn more and donate to Omar Dyer's website Coaches! 101 and help the movement--plus learn about The Next Generation of Leaders.

tdopp@bloomberg.net, mtannen@bloomberg.net: Please contact the editors of Bloomburg news and ask them to stand up with a report.

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